Monday 9 September 2024

Revolutionizing Urban Parking: Wohr's Innovative Puzzle Parking Solutions

 As urban landscapes become denser, finding efficient parking solutions is more crucial than ever. Enter Wohr's puzzle parking systems—smart, space-saving marvels designed to tackle the challenges of limited parking space. Here’s a closer look at how Wohr’s Combilift systems are transforming parking solutions.

What is a Puzzle Parking System?

A puzzle parking system, also known as a stacker parking system, optimizes space by stacking cars vertically and horizontally like pieces of a puzzle. This innovative approach is perfect for locations where space is at a premium, including urban centers, shopping malls, airports, and residential complexes.

Types of Puzzle Parking Systems

1. Automated Puzzle Parking Systems: These systems use advanced technology to automatically park and retrieve vehicles. Drivers simply park their car in a designated area, and the system does the rest, transporting the vehicle to its parking space and bringing it back when needed.

2. Mechanical Puzzle Parking Systems: Utilizing mechanical devices, these systems manually move cars into and out of parking spots. Drivers park their cars in a designated area, and the system’s mechanisms handle the rest, lifting and positioning the car into the parking space.

3. Semi-Automated Puzzle Parking Systems: Combining elements of both automated and mechanical systems, these systems offer a blend of convenience and manual control. The driver parks the car in a designated area, and the system uses a mix of automated and mechanical processes to park it.

Wohr’s Cutting-Edge Puzzle Parking Solutions

1. Combilift 542: Ideal for SUVs, the Combilift 542 offers two levels of independent parking with a headroom of 2.20 meters. It features easy operation, enhanced safety with theft-proof gates, and a user-friendly parking experience.

2. Combilift 543: Known for its compact design, the Combilift 543 maximizes space with three stacked levels. The entry point is always at the middle level, and users can select their parking level via a straightforward operating panel. This system is highly versatile, accommodating various car sizes and platform loadings.

3. Combilift 551: This smart parking solution offers two levels with independent parking. The Combilift 551 allows for flexible configurations, ranging from 2 to 10 grids. It employs a unique mechanism where platforms at the entrance level move aside to accommodate the required parking platform, ensuring efficient use of space.

4. Combilift 552: Combining the best features of the Combilift 551 and 543, the Combilift 552 offers a compact and advanced parking solution. It provides a variable arrangement of grids and rows, all controlled by a central device, enhancing both space efficiency and operational ease.

The Benefits of Wohr’s Puzzle Parking Systems

1. Increased Capacity: Puzzle parking systems can accommodate more vehicles in a smaller footprint, making them ideal for space-constrained environments.

2. Enhanced Safety: With vehicles stacked rather than driven by humans, the risk of accidents and collisions is minimized. Additional safety features include theft-proof mechanisms.

3. Reduced Emissions: By cutting down the time vehicles spend idling and driving in search of parking, puzzle systems help reduce overall emissions—a small but impactful environmental benefit.

4. Improved Convenience: Automated systems eliminate the need for drivers to search for parking, saving time and reducing stress.


Wohr’s puzzle parking systems represent a forward-thinking solution to urban parking challenges, offering increased capacity, enhanced safety, and improved convenience. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your parking facilities or implement a new system, Wohr’s innovative solutions provide a smart, efficient answer to modern parking needs. Learn More:

Thursday 22 August 2024

Elevate Your Parking Game with Wohr’s Stack Parking Systems


When it comes to parking solutions, why settle for the mundane when you can reach for the sky—literally? Welcome to the world of stack parking systems by Wohr Parking Systems, where vertical space is transformed into valuable parking real estate.

Imagine a system that not only parks your car but does so in style, leveraging innovation and precision to optimize every inch of available space. Wohr isn’t just a name; it’s synonymous with cutting-edge, automated stack parking that’s setting new standards for residential areas.

Stack Parking vs. Conventional Parking: The Ultimate Face-Off

Why opt for stack parking over traditional methods? For starters, stack parking systems save you space—literally. Unlike conventional parking lots that demand wide spaces for ramps and pedestrian paths, stack parking systems are compact and efficient. This translates into lower maintenance costs and reduced risk of accidents and theft, issues all too common in traditional parking scenarios.

Benefits include:

1. Residential Benefits: More Space, Less Hassle

In residential complexes, space is gold. Wohr’s stack parking systems ensure that every square foot is utilized to its maximum potential. By stacking cars vertically, these systems free up space that would otherwise be occupied, reducing congestion and enhancing safety. No more blocked roads or tight squeezes; just smooth, efficient parking that keeps your car—and your life—organized.

2. Space-Saving Designs: A Game-Changer for Residential Complexes

Stack parking is the key to unlocking premium parking solutions in residential complexes. Why spread cars out horizontally when you can stack them vertically? Wohr’s innovations in automated stack parking have pushed the envelope, setting a new benchmark in quality, ergonomics, and efficiency. With years of research and development, Wohr has turned parking into a seamless experience.

3. Boosting Property Value: A Wise Investment

Let’s talk value. Installing stack parking systems isn’t just a convenience; it’s a smart investment. Properties equipped with advanced parking solutions like Wohr’s automated systems can command higher prices and offer greater ROI. Developers and property owners can save on construction costs and pass on these benefits to buyers, making stack parking a win-win.

4. Environmental Impact: Parking with a Conscience

Wohr’s stack parking systems are about sustainability too. By reducing emissions and conserving resources, these systems contribute to a cleaner environment. With fewer cars idling and emitting exhaust, the air quality improves, and fuel consumption decreases. It’s a small step for parking but a giant leap for eco-friendliness.

5. Safety & Security: Park with Peace of Mind

Safety is a top priority, and Wohr’s stack parking systems deliver. By minimizing the risk of accidents, theft, and vandalism, these systems create a secure environment for your vehicle. Say goodbye to rear-end collisions and carjacking worries; Wohr ensures your car is parked safely and securely.

6. Cost-Effectiveness: Parking Made Affordable

Affordability meets efficiency with Wohr’s stack parking solutions. Lower maintenance costs and a reduced total cost of ownership make stack parking systems an economical choice. It’s a cost-effective way to provide top-notch parking facilities without breaking the bank.

7. Convenience & User-Friendliness: Park Like a Pro

With Wohr’s automated stack parking systems, convenience is king. Automating the parking process means no more manual maneuvering or awkward parking. Just a simple, user-friendly experience that makes parking as easy as pressing a button.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Parking

The future of residential parking is bright, and Wohr is leading the charge. With advancements like vehicle tracking systems using OBD sensors and GPS, stack parking solutions are becoming smarter and more efficient. As the number of vehicles continues to rise, innovative parking solutions like Wohr’s will play a crucial role in addressing the growing demand for smarter parking spaces.

In conclusion, Wohr Parking Systems isn’t just transforming how we park; it’s revolutionizing the parking experience altogether. With over 700,000 parking spots installed globally, Wohr’s reputation for reliability and innovation speaks volumes. From the Puzzle Car Parking to the Levelparker, Wohr’s range of solutions ensures that parking is not just a necessity but a seamless and enjoyable part of your daily life. Elevate your parking game with Wohr—where every space is a perfect fit! Learn More:

Monday 29 July 2024

Smart Cities and Automated Parking: Integrating Technology for a Seamless Urban.

As urbanization continues to accelerate, the concept of smart cities has emerged as a solution to the growing challenges of urban living. Central to this concept is the integration of technology to create more efficient, sustainable, and livable urban environments. One key element in this transformation is the implementation of automated parking systems. These systems not only streamline parking but also play a significant role in developing a connected urban ecosystem.

The Role of Automated Parking Systems in Smart Cities

Automated parking systems are at the forefront of urban innovation. These systems, including smart car parking systems and tower parking systems, utilize advanced technology to maximize parking efficiency and convenience. By automating the parking process, these systems reduce the time and space required for parking, alleviating congestion and optimizing land use in densely populated urban areas.

A smart car parking systemsleverages sensors, cameras, and automated machinery to park and retrieve vehicles without human intervention. This reduces the need for extensive parking facilities and minimizes the environmental footprint of urban development. Automated parking systems also enhance safety and security, with advanced surveillance and monitoring features that protect both vehicles and users.

Benefits of Automated Parking Systems

The advantages of automated parking systems extend beyond convenience and connectivity. As urban populations grow, the demand for efficient parking solutions becomes increasingly critical. Automated parking systems offer a scalable solution that can be tailored to the specific needs of different urban areas. Whether through compact tower parking systems or expansive multi-level facilities, these systems can accommodate a high density of vehicles in a limited space.

  1. Enhances Space Efficiency

One of the most significant advantages of Wohr's automated parking systems is their ability to maximize space utilization. Traditional parking garages require extensive space for ramps, driveways, and pedestrian areas. In contrast, automated parking systems eliminate the need for these elements, allowing for a higher density of parked vehicles in a much smaller footprint. This is particularly beneficial in urban areas where land is scarce and expensive.

  1. Improves Safety and Security

Wohr's automated parking systems provide a higher level of safety and security for both vehicles and users. With controlled access and surveillance, the risk of theft, vandalism, and accidents is significantly reduced. Automated systems also minimize human interaction with moving vehicles, reducing the potential for accidents and injuries. Additionally, the enclosed nature of the system protects vehicles from weather-related damage.

  1. Uplifts Convenience and User Experience

The convenience offered by Wohr's automated parking systems enhances the overall user experience. Drivers can simply leave their vehicles at designated entry points, and the system takes care of the parking process. This eliminates the need to navigate through crowded parking lots, search for available spaces, or remember where the car was parked. The quick and efficient retrieval process also saves time, making parking hassle-free.

  1. Provides Cost-Effective Solutions

While the initial investment in automated parking systems may be higher than traditional parking structures, the long-term cost benefits are substantial. Automated systems require less maintenance and operational staff, reducing ongoing expenses. The increased parking capacity also translates to higher revenue potential for parking facility operators. Additionally, the enhanced safety and reduced risk of damage can lead to lower insurance costs.

  1. Ensures Scalability and Flexibility

Wohr's automated parking systems are highly scalable and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different projects. Whether it's a small residential building or a large commercial complex, these systems can be tailored to fit various space constraints and parking requirements. This flexibility makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, from urban centers to suburban developments.


In the quest for smarter, more sustainable cities, automated parking systems play a pivotal role. By integrating these systems into the urban landscape, cities can enhance connectivity, reduce congestion, and promote a greener environment. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for automated parking systems to transform urban living will only grow, making them a cornerstone of the smart cities of tomorrow.

The seamless integration of smart car parking systems, automated parking systems, and tower parking systems into smart cities not only improves the urban experience but also paves the way for a more connected and sustainable future. As a leading car parking system manufacturer, Wohr is at the forefront of this revolution, driving innovation and excellence in automated parking solutions.


Saturday 29 June 2024

Enhancing User Experience in Urban Living with Automatic Parking Systems

Urban living comes with its own set of challenges, one of the most pressing being the issue of parking. Cities are growing every day, and with this, the problem of finding a parking spot is increasing every day.

This is where Wohr Parking Systems comes into play. As a leading car parking system manufacturer, our car parking systems are the beacon for solving these parking problems. Our automatic parking systems come into play as a game changer in growing cities providing not only parking solutions but also enhancing the overall parking experience.

Let us understand how our automatic parking systems have changed the world of parking and are becoming quite popular amongst the audience.

How WPS is enhancing the user experience with its automatic parking system:

1.     Convenience and Timesaving: With our automatic parking system, you benefit yourself with utmost convenience while you also save a lot of time. Say goodbye to spending unwanted time finding a parking spot, just simply drive your car into a designated spot and let the smart car parking system do the rest.

2.     User-friendly System: Our automatic parking systems are super easy to use. Despite having advanced parking systems, we made sure that it was easy for the user to use.


3. Enhanced Safety and Security: For any car user, safety and security are paramount concerns. With our automatic car parking systems, you limit other human intervention to your car's access. This provides peace of mind to users, knowing that their cars are safe from random people’s access and from getting damaged by outsiders like children playing around or other vehicles trying to park or take their car out.

4.   Maximize space optimization: By stacking cars vertically and horizontally, our automatic car parking systems maximize the use of available space. This feature is very helpful in urban cities, as space is always a big issue.

5.    Reduced stress: Reducing parking stress is one of the best things a user can expect. With our smart car parking system, we eliminate this stress by providing a seamless parking experience. Users no longer have to worry about navigating tight spaces, avoiding obstacles, or competing with other drivers for spots.


We enhance the urban living experience with our automatic smart car parking systems. We provide automated parking systems that offer unparalleled convenience, safety, reduced stress, and efficiency, making them the ideal choice for urban cities.

As a leading car parking manufacturer, we continue to innovate and evolve to provide the best car parking solutions to meet the growing demands of urban cities. Let us together make urban spaces have hassle-free parking solutions that also enhance your overall experience. 

Thursday 29 February 2024

Transforming Urban Commercial Redevelopment through WPS Automatic Parking Systems

In the heart of urban landscapes, commercial redevelopment projects face a myriad of challenges, none more pressing than the efficient utilization of space, particularly for parking. As cities grow denser, the demand for convenient and accessible parking solutions becomes paramount. This is where WPS enters the game acting as the pioneer in transforming the approach to parking in commercial redevelopment projects with its advanced automatic parking systems.​​​​​​​

The Urban Challenge: Parking in Commercial Redevelopment

Urban commercial redevelopment projects are at the forefront of reimagining how we use our city spaces. These projects often aim to revitalize older buildings or underused spaces into vibrant commercial hubs. However, they are also constrained by limited space for essential amenities, including parking. Traditional parking solutions require extensive ground area or multi-level structures that eat into valuable real estate, which could be better used for commercial purposes. This is where the challenge lies: providing adequate parking solutions without sacrificing valuable commercial space or aesthetic appeal.

Advantages of our smart car parking system in commercial redevelopment projects

Integrating our smart car parking systems into commercial redevelopment projects offers a multitude of advantages, effectively addressing many of the common parking challenges faced in urban areas. Our automated car parking solutions can transform the parking experience, making it more efficient, secure, and user-friendly. Here are some key advantages of utilizing our car parking systems in commercial redevelopment:

1.     Space Efficiency

Our automatic car parking systems are designed to maximize the use of available space. By stacking cars vertically or moving them into tight spaces that would be unusable in traditional parking settings, WPS can increase parking capacity significantly. This is particularly advantageous in urban areas where land is scarce and expensive.

2.     Cost-Effectiveness

Although the initial setup cost for an automated car parking system may be higher than that of a conventional parking lot, the overall long-term savings are substantial. Our automated car parking systems require less land, reducing land acquisition costs. Additionally, our car parking systems can lead to lower construction and operational costs due to our compact design and the reduced need for extensive lighting, ventilation, and personnel.

3.     Improved Accessibility and Traffic Flow

Our automatic car parking systems can streamline the process of parking, reducing congestion and improving the overall flow of traffic around commercial areas. With predefined entry and exit points within our parking system, and quick retrieval times, the impact on local traffic can be minimized.

4.     Flexibility for Future Needs

As a leading car parking system manufacturer in India, we provide solutions that are adaptable and can be designed to accommodate future changes in vehicle sizes, quantities, and even the advent of autonomous vehicles. This flexibility ensures that a commercial redevelopment project remains relevant and functional in the long term.

5.     Enhanced Security and Safety

With our automated car parking systems and additional features like automatic safety doors, RFID, etc helps in  reducing the risk of theft, vandalism, and personal safety incidents, as there is limited access to parked vehicles. Additionally, the risk of parking-related accidents is minimized, providing a safer environment for both vehicles and pedestrians.

6.     End User Satisfaction

The convenience and speed of our smart car parking systems enhance the end user experience, making commercial areas more attractive to customers, tenants, and visitors. This increased satisfaction can translate into higher foot traffic and occupancy rates for commercial ventures.



Addressing these challenges requires innovative approaches, including the adoption of automated and smart car parking solutions that maximize space efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the user experience. Our innovative car parking solutions such as automated parking systems, which can significantly increase the number of vehicles parked in a given footprint, are becoming essential components of successful commercial redevelopment projects.

Take your commercial redevelopment projects to next level with our car parking solutions now!

Revolutionizing Public Parking: How WPS Enhances Visitor Experience

In the hustle and bustle of urban life, finding a parking spot can often be a daunting task. However, with the advent of innovative parking solutions from WPS, the experience of navigating public parking spaces has been transformed. Let's delve into how WPS is revolutionizing public parking, making it more convenient and hassle-free for visitors.

1.     Enhanced Accessibility

One of the key ways WPS improves public parking spaces with our smart car parking systems is by enhancing accessibility. With our automated parking systems such as automated parking towers and stack parking system, WPS maximizes the use of available space, allowing for more vehicles to be parked efficiently. This ensures that visitors spend less time searching for parking spots and more time enjoying their destination.

2.     Streamlined Operations

Our innovative parking solutions also streamline parking operations, making them more efficient and organized. With features such as automated entry and exit systems, payment kiosks, and real-time monitoring, WPS ensures smooth traffic flow within parking facilities. This not only reduces congestion but also enhances overall safety and security for visitors.

3.     Optimized Space Utilization

By utilizing innovative technologies like vertical parking towers and multi-level parking systems, WPS optimizes space utilization in public parking areas. Our automated car parking system allows for more vehicles to be parked within a smaller footprint, making them ideal for densely populated urban areas where space is at a premium.

4.     Enhanced Visitor Experience

Ultimately, the goal of WPS is to enhance the overall visitor experience in public parking spaces. By providing convenient, efficient, and user-friendly parking solutions, WPS ensures that visitors have a hassle-free parking experience from the moment they arrive at the parking facility. Our automated car parking system not only improves customer satisfaction but also reflects positively on the reputation of the businesses or organizations associated with the parking facility.

5.     Improved Safety and Security

Safety and security are paramount in public parking spaces. We integrate state-of-the-art security measures by adding automated safety doors into our car parking system, including surveillance cameras, motion sensors, RFID and emergency assistance systems. By prioritizing safety, WPS instills confidence in visitors and ensures a secure parking environment.


Best Car Parking System by WPS for Public Parking System

1.     Parklift 421

Parklift 421 revolutionizes parking efficiency by offering three parking spaces on the surface of just one. This ingenious system maximizes parking capacity, providing a wider range of options for installation. Whether installed side by side, in rows behind one another, or even outdoors, Parklift 421 delivers unparalleled convenience and flexibility.


Key Features:

➔   Triple Parking: With our Parklift 421, you can make three parking spaces out of one, effectively increasing parking capacity by 200%.

➔   High Carrying Capacity: Each platform can accommodate vehicles weighing up to 2000 kg or 2600 kg, ensuring reliable performance and durability.

➔   Cost Savings: By consolidating three parking levels into one driving level, Parklift 421 offers significant cost savings in construction and maintenance.

➔   Dependent Parking: Ideal for applications such as car sharing, valet parking, car rentals, and car service centers, Parklift 421 offers convenient and efficient parking solutions.

➔   Versatile Installation: Whether for indoor or outdoor use, Parklift 421 is designed to meet diverse parking needs while maintaining low wear and proven hydraulic technology.

➔   Low Maintenance: With its robust construction and reliable hydraulic car parking system, Parklift 421 requires minimal maintenance, reducing overall operating costs.

➔   Enhanced Safety: Compliant with EN safety norms, our Parklift 421 ensures high levels of operational and functional safety, providing peace of mind for users


WPS is at the forefront of revolutionizing public parking spaces, making them better and more hassle-free for visitors. With innovative technologies and innovative parking solutions designed to enhance accessibility, streamline operations, and optimize space utilization, We are shaping the future of car parking in India as well as worldwide. As urban areas continue to grow and evolve, the importance of efficient car parking solutions will only continue to rise, and WPS is leading the way towards a more seamless parking experience for all.


Saturday 3 February 2024

Future of stacked car parking: Smart solutions for smart cities


 The evolution and future trends of stacked car parking systems is powered by the increase in the rise of automobiles on city streets. According to a recent report, smart car parking systems market in Indian smart cities is expected to leapfrog at a CAGR of 11.6% between 2023 and 2029.

Market Drivers

With the rise in the numbers of cars in each house, people face a serious parking space crisis in smart cities. Cars are usually left parked for most of the time, at home, office or on the street. The adoption of smart car parking systems, especially tower parking and puzzle car parking systems in smart cities, is growing in tandem with advancement in wireless and digital payment technologies.

A smart stack car parking system negates the need for human intervention to assist in finding a parking spot and collect tickets. Wireless, sensor-based tech, real-time data acquisition, dynamic messaging, and parking sensors make stack car parking simple and save time spent waiting for a place to park.

The increasing trend of smart city automation has boosted the reliance on smart parking solutions. The market is now rife with smart meters, navigation systems, analytics solutions, and engineering services.

Stack car parking benefits

The very intent of automated stack parking is optimum space use. Automated Stack car parking systems are user-friendly solutions. The ‘green’ benefits of stack parking systems are reduced emissions, efficient resources use, and improved infrastructure quality.

Wohr the leader

Wohr is the industry buzz word in superior quality automated stacked car parking systems in India and Germany. With inventiveness and ingenuity, Wohr has revolutionised automated stack parking with its disruptive technology and changed the rules of the game. With over 1,50,000 successful installations in India, Wohr is clearly the leader in smart automated car parking systems. Wohr’s Parklift automated stacked car parking system series (411/413/421/440/443) is the preferred set of solutions for stack car parking. They are cutting-edge technology-driven and offer decreased maintenance & operating costs and prevent damage and theft. 

Wohr’s Parklift series automated stack car parking systems offer:

·        Enhanced operation: High operating and functional safety (according to EN norms)

·        Carrying capacity: Bears vehicle weight from 2,000 Kg to 2,600 kg

·        Space: Up to three parking levels to conserve space

·        Maintenance: Low maintenance costs

·        Independent parking: No need to remove the car below to remove upper one.


Wohr automated smart stack car parking systems are the go-to choose for workplaces, malls, schools, hospitals, residential complexes, and other public places that people visit. Other added features of Wohr’s Parklift smart car parking series are:

  • Versatility: Indoor and outdoor installation
  • Durable: Low wear, proven hydraulic technology
  • Cost effective: Low maintenance & construction costs.
  • Space saving: Occupies lesser floor space.
  • Resource use: Doubles parking spaces through vertical stacking

Wide range

Besides providing standard stack car parking systems, Wohr also uses its expertise and domain knowledge to design and deploy innovative fully automatic stack car parking products like Combilift, Parksafe, Multiparker and Levelparker. Our astounding range of smart car parking products have made us the number one supplier of automated smart car parking systems.


Wohr Parking Systems Pvt. Ltd. (WPS) is a collaboration between WÖHR Autoparksysteme GmbH formerly known as Otto Wohr GmbH, Germany - a leading manufacturer of automated car parking systems in Europe, -and Vyas Group, India, a diversified company involved in engineering, software, hospitality, and construction.

Our smart car parking solutions are designed and produced at our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Pune. We fetch globally acclaimed technology to customize solutions for India.

We possess experience working with architects and property developers.  We have a superb track record and have brought unmatched innovation into car parking spaces in the last decade. We export to over 60 countries.

If smart automatic car parking systems are your need, then please pay heed! We will deliver quality products, in time to make parking experiences a delight.