Monday 26 October 2020

The developer’s solution to increase parking capacity: Automated Parking


Are you a developer struggling with parking capacity in your new project? Torn between using space for parking or for green spaces?  Troubled by budget constraints, growing car numbers and limited building space?

In recent times, growing population, availability of easy finance and affordable car options have resulted in a significant increase of cars on the road. For developers of multi-unit residential, office, commercial real estate, airport and hospitality industries, this poses a huge challenge as they have to provide adequate parking space even as they grapple with shortage of land, escalating land prices and other constraints.

Automated parking systems offer an effective solution to overcome these challenges. Automated car parking systems offer clear and indisputable benefits over traditional garages. In Europe and Asia, automated car parking systems have been tested and proven over the last two decades, and they are growing in usage in America too. It’s time for this solution to become mainstream in Indian cities now.

Why choose automated parking systems?

The benefits of automated parking systems include:

1.       Improved Space Utilisation- Typically, parking garages are designed to allow cars enough room to safely move and park, and for people to walk to and from their vehicles. In an automated car parking system, vehicles can be parked door-to-door and bumper-to-bumper. Automated parking systems use narrower spaces because pedestrians do not have to be accommodated and there is no need for ramps, stairwells and elevators. So you require 30-50% less land to house the same number of cars. This substantially reduces land acquisition costs or frees up precious space for other usage.

2.       Reduced Development Costs- Since automated parking facilities require less building space, developers can save on construction costs through reduced excavation volume, fewer building materials, shorter construction time and lower land costs.  These add up to huge savings that go directly back to a project’s budget.

3.       Lower Operating Costs- If being used by known parkers, there is a minimal staff requirement. Since users do not enter the system, lighting and ventilation costs are also reduced, leading to greater savings and sustainability.

4.       Minimal Environmental Impact- There’s a reason why automated parking systems are called ‘green’.In an automated garage, cars are turned off before they enter the system. Cars do not idle for long periods of time while trying to park or exit, nor do they drive up and down ramps or in and out of spaces. All this contributes to a reduction in the amount of pollutants by 60 to 80%, and significant fuel savings as well.

5.       Safety& Security- For the end user, the additional safety that comes with automated parking is an important plus point. In an automatic parking system, the driver simply drops off the vehicle at a convenient drive-in entry cabin. When returning to pick up the car, the driver can wait in a safe, well-lit pick-up zone until the vehicle is delivered automatically. This system eliminates the concern and worry of being alone in a dark garage, searching for your car.

Moreover, the car too is much safer in an automated system. You don’t have to deal with pedestrians, bad drivers or careless parking attendants.
There are less chances of vandalism or theft; dents and scrapes are practically eliminated.

6.       Customer experience-Users of automatic parking systems always park and retrieve their cars in well-lit, comfortable transfer areas. It would be relatively inexpensive for developers to create a luxurious experience for users here. Developers can implement slick touch screens and mobile apps for quick retrieval to make for a comfortable user experience that will enhance the value of their project.

Wohr Parking Systems: the developer’s partner

Even if local governments implement projects to improve public transport; even if they enforce car sharing programs, the proliferation of vehicles is a challenge that’s here to stay. Developers need to look ahead and think automation – so they deliver projects enforced with parking solutions that are reliable, efficient, cost-effective and convenient for users.

Wohr is a well-versed and innovative parking system manufacturer who can help review all your options and choose the automated parking system that is best suited for your application.

Wohr Parking Systems has over 5 decades of experience and thousands of automatic car parking system projects to their name. Wohr has installed more than 700,000 multilevelparking spaces worldwide – over 100,000 in India alone. Wohr offers design flexibility to help in terms of both feasibility and profitability by enabling parking to be located in areas where conventional parking won't fit. The possible locations for automated parking systems are virtually unlimited: above ground, underground, freestanding, underneath or integrated into existing buildings and even very narrow or irregularly shaped areas.

For smaller garages for 15-50 cars, Wohr offers simpler, semi-automated stack parking systems, puzzle parkingsystems and platform parking systems. These are ideal for apartments, retail, small hotels, car rentals & car dealers, or wherever vertical space poses a problem. Multiple units can be installed together to enhance capacity horizontally.

Wohr also delivers state-of-the-art fully automatic parking systems, ideal for large scale apartments and condominiums, hospitals, office buildings, universities, public parking, etc., and most economical when servicing a large number of cars. The automatic parking system can be used for parking vehicles up to 50 levels in height, and is well adaptable to individual project requirements.

Wohr partners with developers right from consultancy with architects in the design stage through planning, construction, installation and commissioning. Wohr also undertakes maintenance and running of the system, ensuring operations are smooth and trouble-free.

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